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Corbett Announces State Energy Plan

On Tuesday, Governor Corbett announced the details of his “Energy = Jobs” plan, which he said would help market the state’s energy sectors to investors and businesses.
“Whether from the well pad to the corner grocery store, the expansion of our energy sector has made Pennsylvanians better off and made our commonwealth really the vanguard of American energy independence,” Corbett said at the unveiling press conference earlier this week.
The plan touts the state’s energy resources, such as natural gas, coal, nuclear, and renewables and supports an “all-of-the-above” policy that embraces the free market in the hopes of providing customers with a greater choice in their energy sources.  The plan does not set goals or benchmarks.
“The plan we have assembled does not have recommendations for action items,” said state energy executive Patrick Henderson. “We approached this as an opportunity to talk about all that has actually been done to date, and advertising that from a jobs creation standpoint – with primary audiences being job creators, capital investors, those who may be considering Pennsylvania for investment.”
Many Democrats and environmentalists have been quick to criticize the plan, stating that it is too open-ended and upholds the status quo rather than forging a new path that would more fully capitalize on energy opportunities in Pennsylvania.
Click here for more information on Energy = Jobs plan, or to view the state Energy Plan document.